How to become a Credentialled Clinician

The MDT Education Programme consists of comprehensive post-grad course study to best prepare the student for the Credentialling Examination - the primary level of MDT Certification


  • Completion of Parts A, B, C and D
  • Licensed or Registered Clinician

With the increase in requests for Credentialled McKenzie clinicians, taking and passing the exam is strongly recommended. The exam consists of multi-level testing designed to assess the clinical knowledge and skills in MDT of the clinician.

Why do we have a Credentialling Exam?

  • To identify and recognise the clinician who has demonstrated competency in the McKenzie Method.
  • To further establish standards in the application of the McKenzie Method.
  • To ensure that educational opportunities are congruous and relevant to current practice techniques as advocated by the McKenzie Institute International.
  • To develop a pool of clinicians worldwide for referral.
  • To develop a pool of clinicians who can assist in research projects.

What are the benefits of being a Credentialled clinician?

Benefit 1


A referral source for the McKenzie institute. Each year, the Head Office of the Institute receives an increasing number of requests for Credentialled MDT clinicians of the McKenzie Method throughout the world. Those who attain Credentialled status are added to a directory of qualified clinicians to receive potential referrals.

Benefit 2


Recognition of your competency and enhancement of the Institute's MDT status amongst your colleagues, your faculty, community, referring professionals, industry, and third party insurers.

Benefit 3

Research Opportunities

Requests for involvement with ongoing outcome studies and research projects.

Further Studies

Following on from attaining Credentialled status, you can further your studies and gain the Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy – Dip. MDT. The Diploma MDT Curriculum consists of two Components: Theoretical and Clinical and a Final Examination.

To complete and pass the Diploma Programme means to reach your maximum level of clinical competence in the McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® and the credentials to use: Dip. MDT.