Business & Marketing Corner

Increasing MDT Awareness & Course Registrations Through Social Media

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool with the ability to spread information, good or bad, quickly and efficiently. When utilized appropriately, the multitude of social media platforms can serve as excellent outlets for the dissemination of MDT knowledge and resources. One way social media can boost MDT awareness on a global level is to give additional exposure to exactly what goes on during MDT courses. Given the increasing popularity of social media in the past few years, we’ve begun to see a steady climb in pictures being posted by course participants in real time during courses. Not only do participants like to reflect on the techniques they have performed in class, but they also have a desire to share their experiences with friends, showing them how they practice "hands on techniques" in a McKenzie course. 

This type of organic social media exposure is simple to generate and instantly becomes an incredibly powerful marketing tool for MDT course participation worldwide. All that is needed are a few course participants, or even a willing course cosponsor, to take a few pictures during the course and send to the course instructor. The instructor can, then, forward those images to their respective branches and social media representatives to be published and promoted across the Institute’s social media platforms. 

Creating a greater awareness of MDT through social media is only one example of how we can spread more knowledge of what is actually being done during courses. With very little to no startup cost involved, the return on investment will definitely open doors to brand new forms of marketing for all branches.

Over the years, I have heard people say things like, "I didn't know you teach ‘Rotation in Flexion’ in a McKenzie course!" or "Wow! You really had a great turn out!" or "It's nice to remember what we did in class by looking at the pictures!" or "You teach ‘Flexion in Sitting’?" Engagement is power and social media exposure is the key that can unlock that power for a better understanding of MDT.

Two things to keep in mind when taking photos during a course:

  1. Do not photograph the volunteer patients in the course.  
  2. Please use the hashtags #MDT and #McKenzieMDT.

A little effort will go a long way in promoting MDT courses and boosting course registrations worldwide! 

So, the next time you take a course, consider the above tips and help us increase awareness of what MDT courses are all about. 
